Quyết định 961/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành Chương trình hành động của Chính phủ về phát triển dịch vụ giai đoạn 2009 - 2011

thuộc tính Quyết định 961/QĐ-TTg

Quyết định 961/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành Chương trình hành động của Chính phủ về phát triển dịch vụ giai đoạn 2009 - 2011
Cơ quan ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
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Số hiệu:961/QĐ-TTg
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Loại văn bản:Quyết định
Người ký:Hoàng Trung Hải
Ngày ban hành:03/07/2009
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết

SOCIALIST REPUBLICOF VIETNAM Independence - FreedomHappiness
No. 961/QD-TTg
Hanoi, July 3, 2009
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 03/2008/NQ-CP of January 11, 2008, promulgating the action program of the Government of the 2007-2011 tenure;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,
Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Government's program of action for service development during 2009-2011.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect on September 1, 2009.
Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairmen of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.


Hoang Trung Hai
(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 961/QD-TTg of July 3, 2009)
The Government's program of action for service development during 2009-2011 aims to specify the Government's program of action in the 2007-2011 tenure, issued together with Resolution No. 03/2008/NQ-CP of January 11. 2008; develop and improve the competitiveness of the service sector; accelerate international economic integration and realize WTO accession commitments in the service sector; contribute to the successful implementation of socio-economic development tasks during 2006-2010 and serve as a premise for development in subsequent periods.
The following tasks should be performed under the Government's program of action for service development during 2009-2011:
1. Continuing formulating and perfecting mechanisms and policies to accelerate the development of the service sector:
- To formulate general policies on the develop-ment of the service sector in conformity with commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO);
- To perfect investment and business policies;
- To scrutinize WTO commitments on services in order to amend, supplement or annul legal documents which are no longer suitable;
- To perfect the system of tax policies in order to create favorable conditions for service enterprises to operate in an effective manner; increase export turnover and reduce trade deficit in services.
2. Mobilizing and promoting domestic and overseas resources for the development of the economy in general and the service sector in particular:
- To mobilize and effectively use capital sources for quick and sustainable development of the service sector, especially key services;
- To develop modern financial and monetary markets; intensify the application of scientific advances to developing the financial and monetary markets;
- To renew financial and monetary instruments and policies and raise the capacity of regulating financial and monetary policies; to ensure financial and monetary security;
- To socialize some high-quality public services.
3. Raising the quality of human resources in the service sector:
- To formulate mechanisms and policies on development of the labor market and human resources and adopt effective policies on vocational training, employment and poverty alleviation;
- To enhance vocational training for guest workers in order to gradually increase the ratio of trained laborers and enter labor markets with strict requirements on skilled labor.
4. Developing the economy in general and the service sector in particular in association with protecting natural resources and the environment
- To promote investment in environmental protection; to increase the management of construction and urban administration activities;
- To restore, preserve and develop historical and cultural relics, scenic places and beauty spots for socio-economic development.
1. Based on tasks assigned in the Appendix to this Decision, ministers and heads of branches shall directly urge and instruct the implementation of this program of action so as to ensure its quality and schedule; and coordinate with the Government Office in incorporating related contents into the working agenda of the Government or the Prime Minister.
2. Ministries and branches shall send annual reports on the performance of their assigned tasks no later than December 15 every year to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for sum-up and reporting to the Prime Minister.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall monitor, examine and sum up the implementation of this program of action.

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