Quyết định 1522/QĐ-BKH của Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư về việc phê duyệt Quy hoạch tổng thể phát triển kinh tế - xã hội Khu kinh tế mở Chu Lai, tỉnh Quảng Nam đến năm 2020

thuộc tính Quyết định 1522/QĐ-BKH

Quyết định 1522/QĐ-BKH của Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư về việc phê duyệt Quy hoạch tổng thể phát triển kinh tế - xã hội Khu kinh tế mở Chu Lai, tỉnh Quảng Nam đến năm 2020
Cơ quan ban hành: Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư
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Số hiệu:1522/QĐ-BKH
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Loại văn bản:Quyết định
Người ký:Võ Hồng Phúc
Ngày ban hành:16/10/2009
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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Lĩnh vực: Đầu tư, Chính sách


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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết


Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 1522/QD-BKH
Hanoi, October 16, 2009
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 235/2006/QD-TTg of November 6, 2006, promulgating the Regulation on operation of Chu Lai open economic zone, Quang Nam province;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Document No. 922/VPCP-DP of February 16. 2009, assigning the Minister of Planning and Investment to approve and sign the decision on the master plan on socio-economic development of Chu Lai open economic zone, Quang Nam province, up to 2020;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 29/2008/ND-CP of March 14, 2008, on industrial parks, export-processing zones and economic zones;
At the proposal of the chairperson of the People's Committee of Quang Nam province in Report No. 3100/TTr-UBND of August 25, 2009,
Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Chu Lai open economic zone, Quang Nam province, up to 2020, with the following major contents:
1. Development viewpoints
a/ To develop Chu Lai open economic zone in line with the strategic vision for national socio­economic development and Vietnam's sea strategy under which Chu Lai open economic zone. Quang Nam province, is one of the development hubs of central Vietnam's sea area in connection with the development of western neighboring countries (Cambodia. Laos and Thailand) and in coordination with the Central Highlands and Dung Quat economic zone;
b/ To develop Chu Lai open economic zone, focusing on the non-tariff sub-zone, which accommodates a free trade sub-zone, associated with Ky Ha port and Chu Lai international airport, into a center of financial, banking, trade, tourism, telecommunications and other services of Quang Nam province and the central coastal region.
c/ To build and develop Chu Lai open economic zone on the basis of tapping and promoting to the utmost potential and advantages of the region, especially those related to sea tourism, airports and ports, and concurrently grasping new development opportunities of the entire region to create a breakthrough and strong motive for fast socio-economic development of the province and central Vietnam;
d/ To make the utmost use of opportunities and consideration of the State and investors, particularly foreign ones; to raise all domestic and overseas resources, especially overseas ones, for investment in large-scale works to create a development motive for Chu Lai open economic zone;
e/ To build and develop Chu Lai open economic zone with a long-term view of opening up for integration and conformity with international practice while adopting an appropriate roadmap to ensure high efficiency and feasibility;
f/ To develop Chu Lai open economic zone with a view to harmonizing local interests with sectoral and national interests and concurrently assuring economic, political, social, security, defense and environmental protection efficiency.
2. Development objectives
a/ General objectives:
- To build Chu Lai open economic zone into a multi-branch and -sectoral economic zone, focusing on the development of manufacture engineering and hi-tech intensive industries, Chu Lai free trade sub-zone (under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 185/2007/QD-TTg of December 3, 2007) associated with Ky Ha port and Chu Lai international airport, luxury beach resorts, an international training center, hi-tech sub-zone and financial and banking services, modern technical infrastructure and stable and long-term mechanisms and policies.
- To develop production of quality and highly competitive products; to boost exports and expand export markets.
- To create jobs and promote human resource training and quality.
- To build and develop Chu Lai open economic zone by 2020 into a dynamic development area, an industrial, tourist and service center of the central key economic region, speeding up industrialization and modernization of central Vietnam and the country.
b/ Specific targets:
-The production value will grow at43-43.1% during 2011-2015 and 61-61.5% during 2016-2020.
- Production value-based economic structure:

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Decision 1522/QD-BKH DOC (Word)
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* Lưu ý: Để đọc được văn bản tải trên Luatvietnam.vn, bạn cần cài phần mềm đọc file DOC, DOCX và phần mềm đọc file PDF.

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