Quyết định 50/2012/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc áp dụng hình thức chỉ định thầu đối với các gói thầu thuộc trường hợp đặc biệt do Thủ tướng Chính phủ xem xét, quyết định
- Tổng hợp lại tất cả các quy định pháp luật còn hiệu lực áp dụng từ văn bản gốc và các văn bản sửa đổi, bổ sung, đính chính…
- Khách hàng chỉ cần xem Nội dung MIX, có thể nắm bắt toàn bộ quy định pháp luật hiện hành còn áp dụng, cho dù văn bản gốc đã qua nhiều lần chỉnh sửa, bổ sung.
thuộc tính Quyết định 50/2012/QĐ-TTg
Cơ quan ban hành: | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số công báo: | Đã biết Vui lòng đăng nhập tài khoản gói Tiêu chuẩn hoặc Nâng cao để xem Số công báo. Nếu chưa có tài khoản Quý khách đăng ký tại đây! |
Số hiệu: | 50/2012/QĐ-TTg |
Ngày đăng công báo: | Đã biết Vui lòng đăng nhập tài khoản gói Tiêu chuẩn hoặc Nâng cao để xem Ngày đăng công báo. Nếu chưa có tài khoản Quý khách đăng ký tại đây! |
Loại văn bản: | Quyết định |
Người ký: | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành: | 09/11/2012 |
Ngày hết hiệu lực: | Đã biết Vui lòng đăng nhập tài khoản gói Tiêu chuẩn hoặc Nâng cao để xem Ngày hết hiệu lực. Nếu chưa có tài khoản Quý khách đăng ký tại đây! |
Áp dụng: | |
Tình trạng hiệu lực: | Đã biết Vui lòng đăng nhập tài khoản gói Tiêu chuẩn hoặc Nâng cao để xem Tình trạng hiệu lực. Nếu chưa có tài khoản Quý khách đăng ký tại đây! |
Lĩnh vực: | Đấu thầu-Cạnh tranh |
Xem chi tiết Quyết định50/2012/QĐ-TTg tại đây
tải Quyết định 50/2012/QĐ-TTg
THỦ TƯỚNG CHÍNH PHỦ --------------- Số: 50/2012/QĐ-TTg | CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc ------------------------ Hà Nội, ngày 09 tháng 11 năm 2012 |
Nơi nhận: - Ban Bí thư Trung ương Đảng; - Thủ tướng, các Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ; - Các Bộ, cơ quan ngang Bộ, cơ quan thuộc CP; - VP BCĐ TW về phòng, chống tham nhũng; - HĐND, UBND các tỉnh, TP trực thuộc TW; - Văn phòng Trung ương và các Ban của Đảng; - Văn phòng Tổng Bí thư; - Văn phòng Chủ tịch nước; - Hội đồng Dân tộc và các Ủy ban của Quốc hội; - Văn phòng Quốc hội; - Tòa án nhân dân tối cao; - Viện kiểm sát nhân dân tối cao; - Kiểm toán Nhà nước; - Ủy ban Giám sát tài chính Quốc gia; - Ngân hàng Chính sách xã hội; - Ngân hàng Phát triển Việt Nam; - UBTW Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam; - Cơ quan Trung ương của các đoàn thể; - VPCP: BTCN, các PCN, Trợ lý TTCP, Cổng TTĐT, các Vụ, Cục, đơn vị trực thuộc, Công báo; - Lưu: Văn thư, KTN (3b). | THỦ TƯỚNG Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Pursuant to Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to Law on Bidding No.61/2005/QH11 dated November 29, 2005;
Pursuant to Law No. 38/ 2009/QH12 dated June 19, 2009, amending and supplementing the laws related to investment in fundamental construction;
Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 85/2009/ND-CP dated October 15, 2009, guiding the implementation of the Law on Bidding and the selection of contractors under the Law on Construction;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 68/2012/ND-CP dated September 12, 2012, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 85/ 2009/ND-CP dated October 15th 2009, guiding the Law on Bidding and the selection of contractors under the Law on Construction;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment.
The Prime Minister issues the Decision on the application of contractor appointment to bid packages in special cases considered and decided by the Prime Minister.
Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application
This Decision is applicable to the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, other central agencies, People’s Committees, state-owned economic corporations, state-owned general companies, related organizations and persons when deploying bid packages on the projects regulated by the Law on Bidding which satisfy the conditions specified in Articles 2 and 3 of this Decision.
Article 2. Special cases eligible for contractor appointment
The special cases that are considered and decided by the Prime Minister are specified in Point k Clause 2 Article 40 of Decree No. 85/2009/ND- CP, including:
1. Urgent bid packages for holding national important events which have been decided by the Prime Minister;
2. Urgent bid packages for protecting the sovereignty of the country, the frontier and islands.
3. Bid packages for preparing urgent projects which must be immediately implemented so as to attract and raise capital from foreign sponsors.
4. Urgent bid packages serving the preparation and construction of initial infrastructure aiming to meet the schedules of national energy development projects.
5. Urgent bid packages for directly providing mechanical products manufactured by domestic enterprises for national energy development projects.
6. Urgent bid packages for preventing traffic congestion and ensuring traffic safety in centrally run cities.
7. Bid packages considered urgent by competent persons, that it is impossible to organize bidding, and contractor appointment is more effective.
Article 3. Conditions for contractor appointment
Competent persons shall consider applying contractor appointment to bid packages specified in Article 2 of this Decision when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. There is an approved investment decision, except for bid packages on project preparation consultancy.
2. The capital for the bid package is clearly identified and sufficient for meeting the schedule; the use of capital from the state budget or government bond funds must comply with the Prime Minister s Directive No. 1792/CT-TTg dated October 15th 2011.
3. Contractor appointment procedure must be completed within 45 days, or 90 days if the scale of the bid package is large and complicated, from the date of on which the application is approve to the date on which the contract is signed.
4. There is an appraisal report made by an appraising agency or organization under Article 4 of this Decision. The bid packages specified in Clause 2 Article 2 of this Decision must be approved by competent defense or public security agencies.
Article 4. Submitting, appraising, and approving of bidding plans of bid packages eligible for contractor appointment
The Prime Minister shall assign competent persons (investment deciders) to examine and approve bidding plans of bid packages eligible for contractor appointment in the special cases considered and decided by the Prime Minister, who is completely responsible for the appointment of contractors for the bid packages specified in Article 2 of this Decision. The procedures for submitting, appraising, and approving the bidding plan of a bid package eligible for contractor appointment under this Decision:
1. Based on the application made by the investor for approving the bidding plan as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, an appraising agency shall make the appraisal report in accordance with the order and procedures specified in Article 11 and Clause 2 Article 12 of Decree No. 85/2009/ND-CP within the time limit prescribed in Clause 6 Article 31 of the Law on Bidding, then submit it to a competent person for consideration and decision.
2. Application for approval
Based on the urgency of the bid package, the investor shall make and submit the bidding plan of such bid package together with the bidding plans of other bid packages of the same project, or separately submit it for prior approval. An application for approving of the bidding plan of a bid package, to which contractor appointment is recommended, includes:
a/ A written request for approving the bidding plan of the bid package eligible for contractor appointment, specifying:
- The necessity of contractor appointment in special cases. For bid packages in Clause 7 Article 2 of this Decision, the reasons for not bidding, and the reasons why contractor appointment is more effective than bidding must be provided, including the socio-economic effects, and the time mark of the preparation and approval of the application, the appointment of contractors, the contract performance, and other factors of the bid package, for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of contractor appointment compared to public bidding;
- The figures, foundations, and enclosed documents proving that the bid package, to which contractor appointment is recommended, is conformable with the explanations above, eligible for contractor appointment in accordance with Article 2 of this Decision, and satisfies the conditions for contractor appointment prescribed in Article 3 of this Decision.
b/ Relevant legal documents:
- Decision to approve the project (except for the appointment of project preparation consultancy contractors);
- Decision approving the technical design and cost estimates (except for the appointment of technical design and cost estimate consultancy contractors);
- Decision on the allocation and distribution of investment capital;
- Other relevant documents.
3. Competent persons shall examine and approve bidding plans of bid packages eligible for contractor appointment in special cases based on the appraisal reports made by appraising agencies as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 12 of the Decree No. 85/2009/ ND-CP. The decision to approve the bidding plan, the written request for approving the bidding plan, and other relevant documents specified in Clause 2 of this Article are the bases of inspections.
Article 5. Implementation organization
1. Investors shall approve the results of contractor appointment for bid packages in special cases regulated by this Decision according to Clause 19 Article 2 of the Law on the amendment and supplementation of the Laws on investment in fundamental construction, and Article 41 of the Decree No. 85/2009/ND-CP.
2. The information on bidding plans and contractor appointment results must be published on the Vietnam Public Procurement Review Journal within 7 days from the date on which the documents are signed. The bid packages specified in Clause 7 Article 2 of this Decision. For the written registration of the bidding plans which is sent to Vietnam Public Procurement Review Journal must specify the reasons and necessity of contractor appointment in special cases.
Investors and bid solicitators that fail to publish information on bidding plans and contractor appointment results shall receive a warning according to Article 75 of the Law on Bidding. Those who receive 03 warnings ore more shall be banned from bidding activities for 06 months. 03 more months shall be added for each warned violation, but the ban duration must not exceed 03 years as prescribed in Clause 4 Article 65 of the Decree No. 85/2009/ND-CP.
3. While selecting contractors, allocating funds and signing and performing contracts for bid packages eligible for contractor appointment in special cases, if the urgency, progress, and quality of these bid packages are not consistent with the investors explanation, appraisal reports of appraising agencies, and approval decisions of competent persons, investors and competent persons shall take responsibility before law for their decisions.
4. Investors shall assure that the selection of contractors and performance of contracts of the bid packages regulated by this Decision in accordance with the Law on Bidding, and take responsibility before law for their decisions.
Article 6. Effect
1. This Decision takes effect on January 1, 2013.
2. Any difficulty arising in the course of implementation should be reported to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall then summarize them and suggest necessary amendments and supplementations to the Prime Minister./.
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