Quyết định 698/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc phê duyệt Kế hoạch tổng thể phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin đến năm 2015 và định hướng đến năm 2020

thuộc tính Quyết định 698/QĐ-TTg

Quyết định 698/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc phê duyệt Kế hoạch tổng thể phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin đến năm 2015 và định hướng đến năm 2020
Cơ quan ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
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Số hiệu:698/QĐ-TTg
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Loại văn bản:Quyết định
Người ký:Nguyễn Thiện Nhân
Ngày ban hành:01/06/2009
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết

No. 698/QD-TTg
Independence- Freedom- Happiness
Hanoi, June 01, 2009
Approving the overall plan on development of information technology human resources up to 2015 and orientations toward 2020
Pursuant to December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the June 29, 2006 Law on Information Technology;
Pursuant to Prime Minister’s Decision No. 246/2005/QD-TTg dated October 6, 2005, approving the strategy on development of Vietnam’s information technology and communication up to 2010 and orientations toward 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Education and Trading,
Article 1.
To approve the overall plan development of information technology human resources up to 2015, and orientations toward 2020, with the following principal contents:
l. Development of information technology (IT) human resources constitutes a key factor of decisive significance for IT development and application. IT human resources must be developed in a synchronous manner, ensuring quality and attaching importance to quickly increasing the proportion of high-qualification human resources.
2. IT human resources must be developed in close association with the process of renewal of education and training, especially tertiary education. The training of IT human resources will be substantially and comprehensively renewed toward reaching regional and international standards, creating a breakthrough in training quality and meeting the country's IT development as well as industrialization, modernization and international economic integration requirements.
3. Socialization and international cooperation will be stepped up to bring into play all domestic resources and attract foreign investment for the development of IT human resources.
4. The training scale, structure and programs will be clearly identified while the compilation and supply of textbooks and training materials at all education and training levels and enrolment work will respond to the demands of the society and domestic and overseas markets. Labor productivity as well as performance quality and efficiency of IT-trained persons working at agencies, organizations and enterprises will be used as basis for evaluation of the results and quality of IT human resource training.
1. General objectives
a/ To strongly develop IT human resources (in this Decision, IT human resources are construed to include those who are engaged in electronics and telecommunications training activities; specialized IT, electronics and telecommunications employees in enterprises and industries; IT application staffs in agencies, organizations and enterprises; and cadres, employees and citizens who use and apply IT) in order to ensure sufficient IT human resources for the development and application of IT, electronics and telecommunications in the service of the building of a knowledge-based economy and an information society, the national industrialization and modernization and international economic integration;
b/ To accelerate IT application in education and training, modernize and improve the effectiveness and competitiveness of the IT human resource training system up to international level so that Vietnam can participate in the international IT human resource training market and, step by step, become a supplier of high-quality IT human resources for countries in the region and the world.
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* Lưu ý: Để đọc được văn bản tải trên Luatvietnam.vn, bạn cần cài phần mềm đọc file DOC, DOCX và phần mềm đọc file PDF.

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Theo dõi LuatVietnam trên


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