Quyết định 750/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc phê duyệt Quy hoạch phát triển cao su đến năm 2015 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020

thuộc tính Quyết định 750/QĐ-TTg

Quyết định 750/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc phê duyệt Quy hoạch phát triển cao su đến năm 2015 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020
Cơ quan ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
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Số hiệu:750/QĐ-TTg
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Loại văn bản:Quyết định
Người ký:Nguyễn Sinh Hùng
Ngày ban hành:03/06/2009
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Lĩnh vực: Công nghiệp, Nông nghiệp-Lâm nghiệp


Từ ngày 26/8/2019, Quyết định này bị hết hiệu lực bởi Nghị quyết 63/NQ-CP.

Xem chi tiết Quyết định750/QĐ-TTg tại đây

LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết

Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 750/QD-TTg
Hanoi, June 3, 2009
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Article 1. To approve the planning on development of rubber tree up to 2015. with a vision toward 2020. with the following principal contents:
1. The planning of development of rubber tree must be based on market demands. To effectively tap and bring into play advantages in land and natural conditions in some regions for sustainable development of rubber tree. To rapidly apply scientific and technological advances in order to raise the yield, quality, efficiency and market competitiveness of rubber products.
2. To develop rubber tree in the direction of investment in intensive plantation to bring about higher yield and quality. To plant new rubber trees on land areas under inefficient agricultural production or under poor natural forests suitable for rubber tree.
3. To develop rubber tree on the basis of linking material zones with processing establishments and the market to form large-scale consolidated commodity production zones.
4. To bring into play all resources of all economic sectors and supports of the State to ensure efficient and sustainable rubber production and eco-environmental protection.
1. By 2010: To continue planting new rubber trees on 70,000 hectares so as to increase the total area under rubber tree in the whole country to 650,000 hectares, thereby achieving an annual latex output of 800,000 tons and an annual export turnover of USD 1.6 billion. To increase the processing capacity to around 220,000 tons.
2. By 2015: To continue planting new rubber trees on 150,000 hectares so as to increase the total area under rubber tree in the whole country to 800,000 hectares, thereby achieving an annual latex output of 1.1 million tons and an annual export turnover of USD 1.8 billion. To increase the processing capacity in 5 years to around 360,000 tons.
3. By 2020: To stabilize the total area under rubber tree at 800,000 hectares, an annual latex output of 1.2 million tons and an annual export turnover of USD 2 billion.
1. Regarding land areas reserved for planting rubber tree
To achieve the target of 800,000 hectares of rubber tree, it is necessary to plant new rubber trees on 150,000 hectares of land areas under inefficient agricultural production, left unused or under poor natural forests suitable to rubber tree growth requirements.
2. Rubber tree planning orientations for different regions
a/ The Southeastern region: To continue planting new rubber trees on 25.000 hectares of land areas under inefficient agricultural production or under poor natural forests suitable to rubber tree, in order to stabilize the total area under rubber tree in this region at 390,000 hectares:
b/ The Central Highlands: To continue planting new rubber trees on around 95,000-100,000 hectares of land areas under inefficient agricultural production, left unused or under poor natural forests suitable to rubber tree, in order to stabilize the total area under rubber tree in this region at 280,000 hectares:
c/ The coastal southern Central Vietnam: To continue planting new rubber trees on 10,000-15.000 hectares of land areas under inefficient agricultural production or under poor natural forests suitable to rubber tree, in order to stabilize the total area under rubber tree in this region at 40,000 hectares:
d/ The northern Central Vietnam: To continue planting new rubber trees on around 20,000 hectares mostly of agricultural land, in order to stabilize the total area under rubber tree in this region at 80,000 hectares;

dd/ The northeastern provinces: To develop rubber tree through different steps appropriate to different localities, avoiding unplanned planting movement. Based on available land areas and results of efficiency evaluation of existing rubber tree areas, localities shall decide to expand rubber tree areas in places where conditions permit, striving for the target that by 2020 these provinces will have a total rubber tree area of around 50,000 hectares.

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Văn bản đã hết hiệu lực. Quý khách vui lòng tham khảo Văn bản thay thế tại mục Hiệu lực và Lược đồ.
văn bản TIẾNG ANH
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Decision 750/QD-TTg DOC (Word)
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* Lưu ý: Để đọc được văn bản tải trên Luatvietnam.vn, bạn cần cài phần mềm đọc file DOC, DOCX và phần mềm đọc file PDF.

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