Quyết định 17/2003/QĐ-BTS của Bộ Thủy sản quy định chức năng, nhiệm vụ và cơ cấu tổ chức của Trung tâm Tin học

thuộc tính Quyết định 17/2003/QĐ-BTS

Quyết định 17/2003/QĐ-BTS của Bộ Thủy sản quy định chức năng, nhiệm vụ và cơ cấu tổ chức của Trung tâm Tin học
Cơ quan ban hành: Bộ Thủy sản
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Số hiệu:17/2003/QĐ-BTS
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Ngày ban hành:05/08/2003
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Lĩnh vực: Cơ cấu tổ chức, Hành chính, Nông nghiệp-Lâm nghiệp, Thông tin-Truyền thông


Nội dung tóm tắt đang được cập nhật, Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau!

LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết
Nội dung văn bản đang được cập nhật, Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau!
LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết


SOCIALISTREPUBLICOF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom– Happiness

No. 17/2003/QD-BTS

Hanoi, August 5, 2003





Pursuant to Decree 86/2002/ND-CP dated 5 November 2003 of Government regulating the functions, duties, authorities and organizational structure of Ministries and ministerial-level agencies,
Pursuant to Decree 43/2003/ND-CP dated 2 May 2003 of Government regulating the functions, duties, authorities and organizational structure of Ministry of Fisheries,
Considering the proposals of Director of Organization and Personnel


Article 1.

The Fisheries Informatic Center (FICEN) is an profit-making scientific administration performing the information, informatic application to the fisheries sector served the State managment of Ministry of Fisheries as well as supporting the organizations and individuals involved in fisheries activities.

Fisheries Informatic Center has its own stamp and account settled in State Treasure and Bank.

The international name: The fisheries informatic center (FICEN).

It is located in Ha Noi city.

Article 2.Duties and authorities

1. It shall take part in formulation of long-term strategies, development masterplan, plans, programmes and projects  as well as legal normative documents regarding information and informatic application to fisheries sector.

2. It shall carry out teh plans, programmes, projects and legal normative documents in accordance with its mandates and functions assigned.

3. It shall implement, manage and provide guidance on the application of informatic technology for the staff and civil servants under the units of Ministry of Fisheries.

4. It shall synthesize the fisheries-related data, shall collect, store, process, analyze the information on local and external technical science and fisheries economy; shall set up and manage the library of the Ministry.

5. It shall provide Ministry and other enterprises and economic sectors with the information on local and external production, trade, management organization, basis science, technical science and fisheries economy.

6. It shall undertake research and application of scientific themes on information and informatics served the State management requirements and trade production development of the sector.

7. It shall consult the sector-related units in carrying out the infromation and informatics work in accordance with legislation.

8. It shall undertake international cooperation on information and informatics as stated by legislation.

9. It shall do the services regarding
a. Advocacy of sector’s information, introduction of technical science and fisheriese economy.

b. Production of publication of fisheries information.

10. It shall manage  and use the labor, assets and finance of the Center and subordinate units as set out by legislation.

11. It shall perform other duties as assigned by Minister.

Article 3.Organizational structure

1. Central Office

2. Planning and Finance division

3. Division on Information - Publication - Printing

4. Division on informatics

5. Library

The Head of Center shall be in charge of formulation of management rules of organization and operation of FICEN.

Article 4.Entry into force

This Decision shall be effective 15 days after being posted on the Gazette and it shall replace Decision 662 TS/QD dated 24 November 1993 of the Minister of Fisheries regulating the convert of technical and scientific information division under the Technical Department into Information Center for Fisheries Technical and Economy under the Ministry of Fisheries; Decision 257/2000/QD/BTS dated 14 April 2000 of Minister of Fisheries regarding the transfer of statistic mandate from Planning and Investment Department into Information Center for Fisheries Technical and Economy ; Decision 1062 QD/BTS dated 31 December 2002 of Minister of Fisheries  regarding the establishment of FICEN;

Previous regulations that are contradictary to this Decision shall be abolished. 

Article 5. Executive duties

Head of Cabinet, Head of FICEN, Heads of departments and units under Ministry of Fisheries, directors of Fisheries Departments, Division of Fisheries under Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development shall be in charge of implementation of this Decision.




Ta Quang Ngoc


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Decision 17/2003/QD-BTS DOC (Word)
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