Kế hoạch 5083/KH-UBND TP Vũng Tàu giãn cách xã hội theo Chỉ thị 16

thuộc tính Kế hoạch 5083/KH-UBND

Kế hoạch 5083/KH-UBND của Ủy ban nhân dân Thành phố Vũng Tàu về việc thực hiện các biện pháp cấp bách phòng, chống dịch Covid-19 theo Văn bản 8614/UBND-VP ngày 18/7/2021 của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu về việc áp dụng biện pháp giãn cách xã hội trên toàn địa bàn tỉnh theo Chỉ thị 16/CT-TTg ngày 31/3/2020 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ
Cơ quan ban hành: Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
Số công báo:Đang cập nhật
Số hiệu:5083/KH-UBND
Ngày đăng công báo:Đang cập nhật
Loại văn bản:Kế hoạch
Người ký:Hoàng Vũ Thảnh
Ngày ban hành:19/07/2021
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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Lĩnh vực: Y tế-Sức khỏe, COVID-19
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No. 5083/KH-UBND


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Vung Tau, July 19, 2021



On implementing urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in line with the Document No. 8614/UBND-VP dated July 18, 2021, of the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province regarding the imposition of social distancing measure in the province under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 16/CT-TTg  dated March 31, 2020


Following Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic; Notice of Conclusion No. 569-TB/TU dated July 17, 2021 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee on the application of Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister on Ba Ria - Vung Tau province; In the face with the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is now spreading strongly in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southern provinces, as well as in order to achieve the highest goal of protecting and taking care of people's health, the Prime Minister has issued an express document No. 969/TTg-KGVX on the implementation of social distancing measure for pandemic prevention and control in some localities, including Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. On July 18, 2021, the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province issued Document No. 8614/UBND-VP regarding the imposition of social distancing measure in the province under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020; the People's Committee of Vung Tau city develops a plan to continue implementing the above-mentioned documents in the city as follows:


1. Objectives:

1.1. To implement strictly Directive No. 16/CT-TTg with a spirit of solidarity and determination, prevent and stamp out the pandemic, take care of and protect people's lives, health and safety. Definitely do not let people in the city lack necessities and essential goods, and do not disturb people's lives.

1.2. Take the time of social distancing under Directive 16/CT-TTg in the city to organize drastic screening testing, control outbreaks, attach the most importance to implementing anti-pandemic measures, proactively take preventive measures against pandemic, early detect, thoroughly quarantine, and localize infected cases to timely prevent the spread of the disease.

1.3. The social distancing measure under Directive 16/CT-TTg only achieves good results when being implemented in a practical manner. Therefore, the Party committees and authorities at all levels as well as mass organizations and local people should strictly follow the provisions of Directive 16/CT-TTg, specifically implement them at each level, in each sector and to each individual, and work out specific plans for each day. The responsibilities of the authorities and the obligations of the people must be made clearly and publicly. The fact that all people strictly follow the regulations on pandemic prevention and control partly shows their gratitude to the frontline forces who are struggling against the pandemic.

2. Requirements:

2.1. Vung Tau city and the whole province implement social distancing under Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020, of the Prime Minister. The application of social distancing measure in Vung Tau city will be terminated as the local authorities shall base on the actual situation of the locality to report and advise the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to consider and decide to continue the social distancing period as decided before (from July 14, 2021 to the end of July 27, 2021) or extend the social distancing period like that of other districts, towns and cities in the province.

Social distancing measure under Directive 16/CT-TTg shall continue to be implemented throughout the city on the principle that each family, residential group - people’s group, neighborhood - hamlet, commune - ward - township shall be isolated from one another, employees of workshops and production factories must maintain a safe distance, wear masks, be disinfected in accordance with the regulations. All people shall be requested to refrain from going outside, except for food, medicine, emergency care, working at factories or production facilities, establishments providing essential services and goods that are not closed, or otherwise. A minimum distance of 02 meters between two people shall be maintained; gatherings of more than 02 people in public places or outside of offices and hospitals shall be banned.

2.2. All local residents must strictly abide by the current urgent anti-pandemic measures: upholding the spirit of great national unity, self-reliance, sharing, supporting and seriously implementing Directive 16/CT-TTg, leaving home only in case of absolutely necessity and strictly complying with 5K rules; fully implementing measures to protect themselves and their families and participating responsibly in pandemic prevention and control activities of functional agencies and the community; the implementation of Directive 16/CT-TTg is not only a responsibility and obligation but also a right of every citizen, for the benefit of the community and for the development of the city and Ba Ria - Vung Tau province at large.

2.3. The new situation requires new and more appropriate solutions and approaches while the priority shall be given to protecting people's lives and health. The application of information technology in pandemic prevention and control shall be promoted. Controlling the disease on a city-wide scale based on the epidemiological map. Providing transparent and continuous information about the pandemic situation and anti-pandemic measures in the locality for newspapers, radio stations, news agencies and local people.


1. On July 18, 2021, the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province issued Document No. 8614/UBND-VP regarding the imposition of social distancing measure in the province under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020; in which,  the pandemic risk in the locality is assessed to be very high and administrative measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic are mentioned; therefor, Vung Tau city continues to apply social distancing measure on the city-wide scale as follows:

1.1. All production and business shall be suspended, except for essential production and business activities: Production and business establishments providing essential services are allowed to operate, including: Factories, production facilities, and business establishments providing essential services and goods (such as foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, gasoline, oil, electricity, water, fuel,...); banks, treasuries, service providers directly related to banking activities and business assistance (such as notaries, lawyers, registry, registered security transactions in case of absolute necessity...), securities, postal services, telecommunications, services supporting transportation, import and export of goods, medical examination and treatment, funerals...

1.2. Lottery ticket sales of lottery agents and lottery ticket venders in the city, as well as take-out food services shall be suspended until further notice is made.

1.3. Production activities in industrial parks, ports and constructions must ensure pandemic prevention and strictly comply with 5K rules, thus ensuring no interruption on the supply chain of goods, especially for national factories, large enterprises and companies.

1.4. Each household and local agricultural production area shall be allowed to work, produce and harvest agricultural products. Production and harvesting of agricultural products must strictly comply with the preventive measures against pandemics as prescribed. Production and harvesting of agricultural products shall be suspended when the anti-pandemic measures are not ensured.

1.5. Festivals, cultural and sport events, entertainments, religious and belief activities shall be suspended. The number of attendees to funerals shall be limited and must be strictly supervised by the local health authorities.

1.6. Gatherings of more than 02 people in public places or outside of offices and hospitals shall be banned, and a minimum distance of 02 meters between two people shall be maintained.

1.7. Spontaneous stores buying and selling fresh food (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish...) run by families, located on inner-city roads and on spontaneous trading routes, which are requested to suspend their operations (under Notice No. 4556/TB-UBND dated July 2, 2021, of the People's Committee of Vung Tau city), shall be suspended.

1.8. Public passenger transportation shall be halted. Vehicles on official duties, buses transporting workers, experts, quarantined people are allowed, but they must ensure the pandemic prevention and control. Vehicles transporting agricultural products, production materials and goods are allowed but they must comply with the requirements for pandemic prevention and control, apply information technology, and use QR codes to confirm that the vehicles are allowed to travel in the locality.

2. The People's Committee of the city requests the implementation and performance of the following tasks:

2.1. Developing a scenario with a prevention and control plan in response to the pandemic at the higher level, proactively tracing, sampling for testing, conducting medical quarantine and treatment; strengthening measures to prevent and control the spread of the disease and handle pandemic outbreaks; because herd immunity is not yet achieved due to the lack of vaccination, the forces must keep the pandemic as low as possible. Areas that are still safe shall make great efforts to keep their safety and at the same time prevent, localize and stamp out pandemic outbreaks. Working out plans for medical supplies, equipment, ventilators, oxygen...

2.2. Monitoring and detecting all cases of COVID-19 infection/suspected; investigating, localizing, isolating and handling promptly and thoroughly to prevent secondary transmission in quarantine zones, medical facilities and the community.

2.3. Organizing dissemination in various forms:

- Thoroughly popularize the policy and mobilize all cadres, Party members and people to support the implementation of social distancing measure under urgent anti-pandemic conditions because the new Delta strain of the coronavirus can spread faster and is stronger with unpredictable developments; the number of new infected cases is increasing rapidly every day; there is a high risk of infection in the community; and there are many difficulties in terms of anti-pandemic conditions and it is projected that the pandemic will cause severe damage for local people’s lives and health, and local socio-economic development.

- Popularizing among local people about the purposes, meaning and necessity of establishing medical quarantine zones, the role and responsibility of citizens and the social responsibility of each person and each family in the implementation of urgent measures against the COVID-19 pandemic under Directive 16/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister.

- All local people must not be subjective or negligent and must always be vigilant against the pandemic; upon detecting suspected cases, they should immediately notify local authorities to timely quarantine and handle.

- Strictly complying with 5K rules: “KHẨU TRANG” (Wearing face masks) – “KHỬ KHUẨN” (Disinfection) – “KHAI BÁO Y TẾ” (Making health declarations) – “KHOẢNG CÁCH” (Keeping safe distance) – “KHÔNG TỤ TẬP” (No gathering) in order to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Popularizing the hotlines and websites about the COVID-19 pandemic in the locality (following Official Dispatch 5057/UBND-VP dated July 17, 2021, of the People's Committee of Vung Tau city)

2.4. Establishing and maintaining quarantine zones and effectively controlling the areas in which there are cases tested positive; making health declarations, guiding people entering and exiting medical quarantine zones, ensuring that all people make their health declarations. Strictly complying with the requirements of pandemic prevention and control in the medical quarantine zones and during the time of social distancing.

2.5. Ensuring safety, security, social order and fire safety in the locality; maintaining patrolling and traffic control, avoiding traffic jams and crowded gatherings in areas where checkpoints are located. Controlling and disinfecting all vehicles allowed to enter and exit the quarantine zones and traffic routes into the city.

2.6. Ensuring social security: People's committees of wards and communes shall coordinate with functional agencies to ensure the essential needs of social security for people in the city, including: the system of supermarkets and convenience stores for necessities and foodstuffs; energy, petroleum; essential medicines; the supply of electricity and domestic water; the provision of personal disease prevention equipment; masks, antiseptic solutions; the supply of other materials such as electricity and plumping materials; the collection and treatment of domestic waste; human resources and facilities for patient care, emergency and treatment; the control and prevention of the infection in the community.

Note: People's Committees of 17 wards and communes should grasp the information about the needs of essential goods for people's daily life.

Commercial malls, supermarkets, convenience stores... should strictly comply with the regulations on pandemic prevention and control, provide goods to serve the essential needs of the people, stabilize prices, ensure clean and safe foods with clear origins… for the city within 30 days.

2.7. Setting up a field hospital at the Provincial Multi-Purpose Gymnasium in Nguyen An Ninh ward, Vung Tau city with a capacity of 200 beds in case of necessity.

2.8. Consolidating the pandemic monitoring system to ensure: Regular monitoring, recording, analyzing and screening data of people after they are tested; mobilizing more forces to very high-risk areas based on the epidemiological map, working out plans for pandemic prevention and control, readying treatment facilities and quarantine zones. The risk of the pandemic must be forecasted and warned while possible pandemic situations must be handled in accordance with the regulations.

2.9. Actively preparing for receiving, giving first aid and treating patients at medical examination and treatment facilities. Mobilizing the best human and material resources for medical staff and doctors in field hospitals, the Vung Tau Hospital, Vietsovpetro Medical Center and regional clinics, as well as the anti-pandemic equipment for medical facilities at all levels.

2.10. Upholding the highest-level readiness of all forces, including the police forces, the military forces, the health sector and the whole political system, to participate in implementing the Plan under the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Committee, the city’s Party Committee, the Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, and the city’s Steering Committee for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

2.11. Establishing a reporting and information system from grassroots-level wards and communes to the city’s Steering Committee, especially connecting the grassroots-level medical teams with the Steering Committee. The data shall be updated regularly 3 times a day on the city's COVID-19 epidemiological map.

2.12. Signing contracts with transportation agencies to transport F1 cases to the quarantine zones in case of necessity.

2.13. Implementing Guidance No. 2242/LDTBXH-TLD-PTM dated July 14, 2021, of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the organization of both quarantine and production at enterprises and production and business establishments in the city.

2.14. Monitoring, inspecting, supervising and strictly handling violations such as hoarding goods to create scarcity, increasing prices of foodstuffs and necessities.


1. The Division of Health shall:

- Actively coordinate with relevant units to review and prepare enough human resources, equipment, medicines, medical supplies and plans for pandemic prevention and control, ready treatment facilities, quarantine zones for responding to large-scale pandemic outbreaks; promptly project further situations and scenarios based on the developments of the pandemic.

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Medical Center, the Finance - Planning Division and relevant units to review the city's overall capacity in terms of human sources, materials, and responsiveness to the city's pandemic prevention and control tasks, review the difficulties and problems and advise the People's Committee of the city to report them to the Provincial People's Committee, provincial departments and agencies for consideration and support.

- Summarize and report twice a day the results of their task performance and the pandemic situation in Vung Tau city and advise the People's Committee of the city to report them to the provincial authorities and the Department of Health in accordance with the regulations.

2.  The Medical Center of Vung Tau city shall:

- Quickly and decisively use all resources and solutions to thoroughly stamp out the "outbreaks" in the city; trace in the shortest time and apply appropriate measures to all at-risk cases, people having close contact with infected patients, people passing through the "outbreaks"; continue to call on people who have passed through the "outbreaks" or have close contact with at-risk people or infected patients to make health declarations and contact the nearest medical facilities for testing. Quickly trace and thoroughly handle all cases related to the detected outbreaks in accordance with the pandemic prevention and control regulations. Coordinate with People's Committees of wards, communes and relevant units to plan for conducting sampling and rapid testing in the isolated or blocked areas, and quarantining F0 cases from the community as soon as possible.

- Continue to coordinate with agencies, units and local authorities in monitoring, reviewing and testing. At the same time, apply appropriate quarantine or medical intervention measures on close contacts of COVID-19 patients and high-risk cases whiling strictly following quarantine regulations. Mobilize all resources for infection control; proactively coordinate with other forces to localize the outbreaks, transport, give first aid, isolate and treat patients, and treat the environment at the outbreak areas in a timely manner.

- Actively coordinate with the city’s Military Command and relevant units to prepare the conditions for running the field hospital in case of necessity as planned.

- Request private medical examination and treatment facilities to continue strengthening screening testing of patients with flu, cough and fever symptoms, arrange examination in separate areas and lines, and keep track of the patients; names, address, phone number in books to monitor and promptly provide information about the suspected infections.

- Sign contracts with transportation agencies to transport F1 cases to the concentrated quarantine zones in a safe manner and in accordance with anti-pandemic regulations.

- Coordinate with the Military Command of Vung Tau city and relevant agencies to review quarantine and treatment facilities and ready scenarios for promptly responding to any situation.

3. The Division of Culture and Information shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Propaganda Department of the city’s Party Committee and relevant units to promote the provision of (accurate, sufficient and appropriate) information and mobilize people to calm down and support the local Party committees and authorities to speed up the progress of tracing, testing, and stamping out the pandemic in order to soon stabilize the lives of all citizens.

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with other agencies in, implementing measures to disseminate, guide and support citizens to install health declaration applications, quarantine monitoring and tracing tools; advise upper levels on receiving and processing information via the city's hotlines.

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant units in, disseminating and mobilizing cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, union members, employees and people from all walks of life to strictly observe and well implement social distancing measure at the highest level under Directive 16-CT/TTg of the Prime Minister.

- Actively coordinate with the Department of Information and Communications, the Office of the People's Council, the People's Committee of the city and relevant units in promoting the application of information technology in the management of task performance, people, means and travelling dairies; support businesses and people to promote e-commerce transactions for essential goods.

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Office of the People's Council and the People’s Committee of the city, the Propaganda Department of the city’s Party Committee to popularize information on new policies of the city, the province and the Government in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic on the websites and the official accounts of Vung Tau city and its Party Committee on Zalo to all people.

- Assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with People's Committees of wards and communes and relevant functional agencies to advise the People’s Committee of the city to guide families on the organization of funerals during the social distancing period.

4. The Center for Culture, Information and Sports shall:

- Mobilize people to support the enforcement of medical quarantine blockade in some neighborhoods; drastically and effectively implement the requirements of pandemic prevention and control tasks under the direction of the Party Committee, the People’s Committee and the Steering Committee for pandemic prevention and control of the city to stamp out the pandemic, so that the medical quarantine and social distancing in the neighborhoods can soon be lifted.

- Popularize information among the people to raise their understanding about the new Delta strain of the coronavirus which can spread faster and is stronger with unpredictable developments, imposing a high risk of infection in the community and will cause severe damage for local people’s lives and health, and local socio-economic development; therefore, mobilize the people to support the implementation of the urgent pandemic prevention and control. Actively declare cases of close contact with infected patients and other related cases in order to promptly apply anti-pandemic measures and minimize the spread in the community. Mobilize and create a consensus among the people to join hands with the government and the health sector to successfully localize, trace, isolate, and treat related cases so as to stamp out the pandemic.

5. The Police Station of the city shall:

- Promote its role as a core force in the local pandemic prevention and control: strengthen patrols, ensure security and order in the locality, promptly detect and strictly handle violating organizations and individuals, even impose criminalized sanctions on serious cases of violating COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control regulations.

- Actively coordinate with Medical Centers, People's Committees of wards, communes and relevant units to thoroughly trace and handle F1, F2, F3 cases in accordance with the regulations.

- Coordinate with the Military Command of the city, Border Guard Stations in the city and relevant units to reinforce and support the functional forces in maintaining security and safety in quarantine zones and surrounding areas.

- Develop a plan to ensure security, social order, and fire safety in the city during the implementation of Directive 16; conduct patrols to control traffic, require traffic participants to make electronic health declarations using separate QR codes; openly and secretly monitor the areas in combination with establishing checkpoints and control activities at hotspots of crimes and social evils.

- Develop a plan to strictly control people and vehicles entering and leaving the province with health declarations using QR codes.

- Actively coordinate with the People's Committees of wards and communes in organize round-the-clock patrols and surveillance teams to prevent mass gatherings and strictly handle cases of violations of anti-pandemic rules; especially intensify administrative sanctions on people who leave their homes not in the cases specified above and without legitimate reasons.

- Actively coordinate with the Division of Health, the Medical Center, the People's Committees of the wards and communes, and relevant units to work out plans and working procedures to ensure absolute safety for the police forces and people working at anti-pandemic checkpoints as well as prevent cross-infection in the pandemic prevention and control forces.

6. The Military Command of the city shall:

- Actively establish and run quarantine facilities, separate newly quarantined people from others in the quarantine zones so as to prevent cross-infection; advise the People’s Committee of the city to establish and expand the quarantine zones in case of necessity, and assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the relevant units in, preparing and planning for the establishment of new quarantine zones to meet the demand of the pandemic prevention and control at the higher level.

- Direct the military units of wards and communes to perform their role in administration and coordination in the local fight against the pandemic.

- Coordinate with the Police Station of the city to ensure security and order in the city.

7. The Economic Division shall:

- Actively coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade and relevant departments and units to firmly grasp the situation of food and essential goods supply for the people; at the same time, forecast the demand of goods and necessities and develop a plan to ensure the supply for people in the city.

- Actively coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade and relevant units to urgently deploy online shopping solutions, helping people easily access and conveniently shop. Regularly check, record, grasp the situation in order to promptly report to the People’s Committee of the city any difficulties, problems, and propose measure to handle.

- Strengthen control and propose measure to handle acts of speculation, hoarding and unreasonably increase prices of face masks, hand sanitizers, foodstuffs and necessities (if any) at traditional markets, businesses, business households, and shops.

- Actively coordinate with the Division of Culture and Information, and the Center for Culture, Information and Sports in organizing dissemination, recommending and requesting businesses, shops, and establishments trading the following items: medical face masks, hand sanitizers, medical supplies and equipment; food, foodstuffs and necessities for citizens, to commits to publicizing the prices, selling at the publicized prices, not unreasonably increasing the prices of goods, not giving false information about the market and commodity prices, not cheating on prices, not taking advantage of the economic crisis, natural disasters, enemy sabotage, fires, pandemics and abnormal conditions, not taking advantage of the State's policies to speculate or hoard goods, or set unreasonable prices.

- Coordinate with the Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Health and relevant units to check the safety level of establishments trading essential goods in accordance with anti-pandemic regulations in order to guide the owners of such establishments to well perform the pandemic prevention and control in their daily business activities.

- Actively coordinate with the Market Surveillance Department to strengthen the inspection and control of the market and strictly handle violations, especially acts of speculating, hoarding, and raising prices in order to stabilize the market and the prices of essential goods to serve the people in accordance with anti-pandemic regulations.

8. The Finance - Planning Division shall:

Propose and develop estimates, allocate advance funding sources for ensure the city's pandemic prevention and control in accordance with regulations. Especially, advise the People’s Committee of the city in the expenditures for support and allowances for the staff, and the expenditure for medical equipment in accordance with the Government's Resolution No. 16/NQ-CP dated February 8, 2021 on expenditures for medical quarantine, medical examination and treatment, and a number of specific referential regimes in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other regulations of the Government and the provincial authorities, and the Law on State Budget.

9. The Division of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

- Coordinate with provincial departments and sectors, and People's Committees of wards and communes to urgently implement Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 of the Government; Plan No. 104/KH-UBND dated July 11, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementing policies to support pandemic-hit employees and employers, and Official Dispatch No. 2450/SLDTBXH- LDVLTL dated July 11, 2021 of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs on implementing policies to support lottery ticket sellers facing difficulties due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Advise the People’s Committee of the city to implement Guidance No. 2242/LDTBXH- TLD-PTM, dated July 14, 2021, of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam Confederation of Labor, and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

- Coordinate with People's Committees of wards and communes to check and gather homeless, wandering, and orphaned people staying in public places to the Medical Centers to manage, control and protect them from the pandemic.

10. The Urban Management Division shall:

- Coordinate with the Health Division and the Medical Center of the city to update the epidemiological map of outbreaks and high-risk zones in the city; establish concentrated quarantine zones and field hospitals for treatment of COVID-19 patients.

- Research and design makeshift shelters, tents, and field toilets (made of lightweight materials) that are easy to construct in concentrated quarantine zones and field hospitals (in case of necessity).

- Coordinate with the Urban Construction and Environmental Services Joint Stock Company of Vung Tau city and with relevant units in collecting, transporting and treating wastes of concentrated quarantine zones and field hospitals in the city, not to allow garbage congestion to cause environmental pollution; especially, wastes of high-risk areas shall be treated first in a safe manner.

- Actively coordinate with the Department of Construction and relevant units to urgently propose solutions, manage and request the investors, the Management Boards of under-construction works, and high-rise apartment buildings in the city to strictly implement regulations on prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic; construction works are only allowed to be constructed when fully meeting the anti-pandemic conditions.

11. The Urban Order Protection Team shall:

- Coordinate with health agencies, People's Committees of wards and communes to ensure security and order at quarantine zones, checkpoints and conduct patrols in the locality during the time of implementing social distancing measure under Directive 16/CT-TTg.

- Coordinate with the Division of Natural Resources and Environment, the Division of Urban Management, and People's Committees of wards and communes to inspect and propose measures to handle violations of land, construction and violations of the COVID-19 prevention and control regulations.

12. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, planning for inspection and handling of violations in the field of land and construction in the city during the implementation of social distancing measure under Directive 16/CT-TTg. Propose measures to strictly handle violations of land, construction and violations of the COVID-19 prevention and control regulations.

- Coordinate with the health sector, military forces, and People's Committees of wards and communes in inspecting and handling violations of environmental hygiene regulations in residential areas, especially in quarantine zones and field hospitals.

13. The Urban Construction and Environmental Services Joint Stock Company shall:

Mobilize their staff to timely collect and transport domestic waste in the city in accordance with the regulations; timely report to the People’s Committee of the city the solutions to ensure that the collection and transportation of waste from concentrated quarantine zones meet the anti-pandemic regulations.

14. Companies and enterprises in the city shall:

- Uphold the spirit of "fighting the pandemic and promoting production", "fighting the pandemic for production, promoting production to fight the pandemic"; those are safe and meet the requirements and conditions for pandemic prevention and control shall continue to organize production and business, and be encouraged to create conditions for their workers to stay in premises of the factories, export processing zones, industrial parks... with specific and appropriate requirements; any enterprise that does not meet the conditions shall not be allowed to organize their production..

- Conduct rapid testing for COVID-19 for their workers, in which businesses are encouraged to pay for the costs of buying rapid test kits and conducting testing for their employees once a week.

- Review unused factories and warehouses to use them as temporary quarantine areas (if there is risk of infection) for suspects of infections which are waiting for classification so as for the health sector to transport them to the concentrated quarantine and treatment zones in accordance with the regulations.

- Inspect and supervise the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic at production workshops of companies and enterprises. Promote the effectiveness of COVID-19 Working Groups at the enterprises in mobilizing and guiding workers and employees to take measures to prevent and control the pandemic.

15. Border Guard Stations and the Vung Tau Maritime Port Authority are requested to:

Continue to effectively implement measures to strictly control sea borders and bordering areas, strengthen management of entry and exit by sea, promptly detect and prevent rings of organizing illegal entry into the country; not allow any illegal entry.

16. The People's Committees of wards and communes shall:

- Implement the social distancing measure to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic under Directive 16/CT-TTg; closely monitor the situation and pandemic developments in their respective locality, and coordinate with the health sector to promptly propose the implementation of pandemic prevention and control measures based on the pandemic developments.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the police forces in, supervising and taking responsibility for the strict implementation of social distancing in their respective locality; popularize information and strictly handle violations in accordance with regulations (not wearing masks, not keeping safe distance, not disinfecting hands...)

- Work closely with the health sector and functional agencies to effectively implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in their respective locality following the 8-step procedures provided in Official Dispatch No. 4769/UBND-YT dated July 8, 2021, of the People’s Committee of Vung Tau city, especially during the social distancing period.

- Actively develop a plan to distribute cards allowing households to buy goods and necessities for daily life at supermarkets, convenience stores… in the locality or convenient locations in a fixed time of the day, and in even and odd days under Official Dispatch No. 4997/UBND -VP dated 15/7/2021 of the People’s Committee of Vung Tau city.

- Chairpersons of People's Committees of wards and communes shall direct the implementation and take responsibility for the effectiveness of the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in accordance with the regulations; proactively solve arising problems within their competence; handle and propose measures to strictly handle violations; promptly report to the Chairperson of the People’s Committee of the city on arising problems if they are beyond his/her competence.

17. Heads of relevant agencies, departments and units in the city shall proactively implement the anti-pandemic measures, ensuring the compliance with Directive 16/CT-TTg: allow cadres, civil servants, and public employees to use information technology to work from home; only cases of absolutely necessity, such as performing combat duties, standing agency watches, providing essential goods and services, processing confidential documents and other necessary tasks as required, shall be allowed to work at office; strictly comply with the 5K rules of the Ministry of Health; increase the organization of online meetings. Heads of agencies and units, based on their working programs, shall made specific assignments to ensure the completion of their tasks (except for special cases decided by the head of each agency or unit). Particularly, the armed forces and the city's health sector shall request 100% of their staff to stay on-duty. The heads shall take accountability to the People’s Committee and the Steering Committee for the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control of the city for the spread of the disease among their officials and employees due to the failure to strictly observe regulations on pandemic prevention and control at work.

18. The Provincial Electricity Company, the Ba Ria – Vung Tau Water Supply Joint Stock Company and the Vietnam Science and Technology Joint Stock Company:

The Electricity and Water Supply Companies are requested to have plans to ensure a continuous and stable supply of electricity and water at anti-pandemic stations and checkpoints, field quarantine zones and medical facilities, hospitals and residential areas in the city. They should also work out policies to support people during the social distancing period.

The Vietnam Science and Technology Joint Stock Company is requested to have a plan to maintain, protect and operate the drainage system in the city if there are storms ore heavy rains, thus ensuring a fast and timely drainage system and avoiding flooding in the city;

19. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the city and its member organizations shall:

- Strengthen dissemination and mobilize all people to strictly follow the directions of the authorities and functional forces on the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in various forms suitable to the pandemic situation, raise the awareness, responsibility, and initiative of the people in implementing measures to prevent and control the pandemic; especially strictly implementing the 5K rules of the Ministry of Health. 

- Take care of, and encourage local residents to have solutions to support, pandemic-hit people in quarantine zones and COVID-19 patients in treatment facilities; promote the spirit of solidarity and sympathy in the community and the society to help needy families.

The Plan to continue the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic, in line with Document No. 8614/UBND-VP dated July 18, 2021, of the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial People's Committee regarding the imposition of social distancing measure in the province under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020, is mentioned above. All agencies, units and local authorities, based on their functions and tasks assigned in this Plan, are requested to strictly implement this Plan in accordance with the regulations./.


The Chairperson

Hoang Vu Thanh 

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