Công văn 334/SYT-NVYD Khánh Hòa 2022 cho phép khách du lịch là F0 được điều trị tại cơ sở lưu trú có đủ điều kiện

thuộc tính Công văn 334/SYT-NVYD

Công văn 334/SYT-NVYD của Sở Y tế tỉnh Khánh Hòa về việc cho phép khách du lịch là F0 được điều trị tại cơ sở lưu trú có đủ điều kiện
Cơ quan ban hành: Sở Y tế tỉnh Khánh Hòa
Số công báo:Đang cập nhật
Số hiệu:334/SYT-NVYD
Ngày đăng công báo:Đang cập nhật
Loại văn bản:Công văn
Người ký:Bùi Xuân Minh
Ngày ban hành:20/01/2022
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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Vui lòng đăng nhập tài khoản gói Tiêu chuẩn hoặc Nâng cao để xem Tình trạng hiệu lực. Nếu chưa có tài khoản Quý khách đăng ký tại đây!

Lĩnh vực: Y tế-Sức khỏe, Văn hóa-Thể thao-Du lịch, COVID-19
LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết
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LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
Tình trạng hiệu lực: Đã biết




No. 334/SYT-NVYD

On allowing tourists infected with COVID-19 to be treated at eligible accommodation facilities

Independence - Freedom - Happiness 


Khanh Hoa, January 20, 2022



The Department of Tourism



The Department of Health has received the Official Dispatch No. 216/UBND-KGVX dated January 07, 2022 of the provincial-level People's Committee and the Official Dispatch No. 2561/SDL-QLDL dated December 30, 2021 of the Department of Tourism, on allowing tourists infected with COVID-19 to be treated at accommodation facilities which have separate rooms and are eligible for quarantine according to the “four-on-the-spot” motto for tourists’ comfortableness. The Department of Health has the following opinions:

1. The Department of Health agrees with the policy of allowing tourists visiting Vietnam under the Vaccine Passport Program, who are mild or asymptomatic F0 cases to be quarantined and treated at eligible accommodation facilities with separate rooms at the Department of Tourism's request in the Official Dispatch No. 2561/SDL-QLDL dated December 30, 2021.

2. The Department of Health requests the Department of Tourism to direct and guide accommodation facilities and travel agencies in performing the above-mentioned requirements and the following ones:

- Accommodation facilities must arrange separate areas and rooms that are eligible for on-site quarantine and have their health staff monitor tourists infected with COVID-19, and F1, F2 cases on a daily basis; ensure necessary medical equipment, treat infectious wastes, and prevent infection within the accommodation facilities.

The above requirements shall be reported in writing to the Department of Health and the Department of Tourism for monitoring, management and direction.

Tourists infected with COVID-19 shall be provided guidance on making commitments to take healthcare measures at accommodation facilities. Such commitments must bear their signatures (or their guardians) and representatives of accommodation facilities; be stored and managed by the accommodation facilities.

- Tourists who are F0, F1 and F2 cases shall be managed strictly according to quarantine requirements at accommodation facilities.

- Accommodation facilities shall take prime responsibility for monitoring and taking care of their tourists who are F0, F1 and F2 cases on a daily basis; avoiding infection in the accommodation facilities. The coordination and reporting to the Center for Disease Control, Health Centers in localities and relevant medical units should be carried out actively for prompt supervision and support.

The Department of Health hereby informs the Department of Tourism for implementation./.






Bui Xuan Minh


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Official Dispatch 334/SYT-NVYD DOC (Word)
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Official Dispatch 334/SYT-NVYD PDF
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* Lưu ý: Để đọc được văn bản tải trên Luatvietnam.vn, bạn cần cài phần mềm đọc file DOC, DOCX và phần mềm đọc file PDF.

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