Công văn 3318/SGDĐT-CTrTT Đà Nẵng 2021 đảm bảo thích ứng an toàn, kiểm soát COVID-19 khi dạy học trực tiếp

thuộc tính Công văn 3318/SGDĐT-CTrTT

Công văn 3318/SGDĐT-CTrTT của Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Thành phố Đà Nẵng về việc đảm bảo thích ứng an toàn, kiểm soát hiệu quả dịch COVID-19 khi tổ chức dạy học trực tiếp
Cơ quan ban hành: Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Số công báo:Đang cập nhật
Số hiệu:3318/SGDĐT-CTrTT
Ngày đăng công báo:Đang cập nhật
Loại văn bản:Công văn
Người ký:Lê Thị Bích Thuận
Ngày ban hành:09/11/2021
Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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Lĩnh vực: Giáo dục-Đào tạo-Dạy nghề, Y tế-Sức khỏe, COVID-19
LuatVietnam.vn độc quyền cung cấp bản dịch chính thống Công báo tiếng Anh của Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam.
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No. 3318 /SGDDT-CTrTT

On ensuring safe adaptation to and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic when organizing the on-site teaching


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Da Nang, November 9, 2021




- Divisions of Education and Training of districts;

- Schools and centers under the Department.


In order to implement Official Dispatch No. 4726/BGDDT-GDTC dated October 15, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training on organizing the on-site teaching at education institutions, and Official Dispatch No. 7509/UBND-KGVX dated November 08, 2021 of the Da Nang City People's Committee on the preparation of conditions for organizing the on-site teaching at education and training institutions in the city, the Department of Education and Training hereby requires heads of units and schools to take the following actions:

I. To ensure the prevention and control of COVID-19 when organizing the on-site teaching

1. Educational institutions shall:

a) Establish Steering Committees for COVID-19 prevention and control, led by the heads of the units, with a standing body to advise and organize the pandemic prevention and control. Members include representatives of Trade Unions, Youth Unions, and several organizations/individuals under the units; members of the Steering Committees shall be assigned specific tasks.

b) Work out plans to meet the requirements for safe COVID-19 prevention and control as specified in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 issued together with Official Dispatch No. 4726/BGDDT-GDTC dated October 15, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training and guidelines of the Ministry of Health. The written plans must be sent to agencies and local authorities for inspection before they resume operations, in particular:

- The Department of Education and Training shall act as the agency to receive and inspect the written plans of schools and centers under the Department; public universities in the city (except Da Nang University) before the on-site teaching is organized;

- The Divisions of Education and Training shall advise the People's Committees of districts to receive and inspect the written plans of schools under their management; kindergartens; foreign language and informatics centers, talented program and life skills training institutions; study abroad counseling centers; tutoring establishments; non-public universities located in their respective localities before the on-site teaching is organized;

- The Department of Education and Training, the People's Committees of the districts shall inspect the preparations before preschool children, learners, trainees, and students (collectively referred to as students) start the on-site learning.

Educational institutions can only resume operations when they have been inspected for conditions and measures to prevent and control the pandemic in accordance with regulations.

c) Prepare medical, environmental sanitation facilities and equipment, such as drinking water, body temperature measurers, face masks, sanitizers, places to wash hands with clean water and soaps, QR code scanners to manage information of people entering/exiting the schools... as required by the regulations; work out health protection plans following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

d) Complete the clean-ups of the schools and classrooms, disinfect the surfaces (of floors, desks, blackboards, stairs, elevators...), clean and sanitize the boarding areas, kitchen utensils, canteens, toilets, personal belongings, teaching equipment... 02 days before students start the on-site learning.

dd) The educational institutions shall proactively decide to organize two learning sessions a day and semi-boarding (if any) at the appropriate time based on the actual situation, the unit's ability to satisfy the requirements as prescribed and the needs of the students’ parents (collectively referred to as parents).

Two learning sessions a day shall not be organized in the first week after the high school students go back to school; extracurricular activities, festivals, contests, conferences... with gatherings of people more than the prescribed number are not allowed.

e) Strictly implement the directive documents on COVID-19 prevention and control work of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Health, the Party Committee and People's Committee of the city, the Department of Education and Training and relevant authorities. Strongly disseminate and educate the schools’ officers, teachers and staff, the students and their parents to raise their awareness and sense of responsibility for the strict prevention and control of COVID-19, uphold their vigilance and not to be subjective.

Ensure the adequate coverage of information on pandemic prevention and control on the media and those visually displayed at the schools. Inform individuals in pandemic-hit localities about home and concentrated medical quarantine measures upon their arrivals/returning to Da Nang. Resolutely prevent all individuals returning to the city from other localities without making medical declarations, monitoring their health and taking anti-pandemic measures as prescribed to enter the schools.

2. The schools’ officers, teachers, and employees (collectively referred to as staff), the students and their parents shall

a) Strictly follow 5K rules (wearing face masks, disinfecting, social distancing, avoiding gatherings, making medical declarations) when going to the schools. The medical declarations must be made daily before going to the schools (except for students) on the Danang Smart City app or at http://khaibaoyte.danang.gov.vn (only make paper medical declarations when electronic declarations cannot be made).

b) Cases with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath...); those, or their family members, who are under medical quarantine as prescribed; those who arrive/return to Da Nang from other localities without making medical declarations, monitoring their health and taking anti-pandemic measures as prescribed shall be prohibited from going to the schools.

c) The schools’ staff must receive at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine when they come to the schools (at least 14 days after the vaccination) or have been recovered from COVID-19 within 06 months.

3. Implement the regulations on requirements for safe COVID-19 prevention and control applicable for preschools, high schools, and continuing education centers, issued together with Official Dispatch No. 4726/BGDDT-GDTC dated October 15, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training on organizing the on-site teaching at educational institutions (which will serve as the basis for the Department of Education and Training, the People's Committees of districts to inspect).

In particular:




Based on the contents of Official Dispatch No. 6666/BYT-MT dated August 16, 2021 of the Ministry of Health guiding the COVID-19 prevention and control at agencies and units (attached hereto), proactively contact and coordinate with ward- or commune-level health centers (in rural and urban districts) to develop educational plans, scenarios, and solutions in response to pandemic situations which may occur at the schools in line with local pandemic conditions.


Ensure facilities, equipment, environmental hygiene, food safety, health conditions at school, pay attention to people with disabilities.


Organize dissemination drives to guide the schools’ staff, the students and their parents on measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic and health work at the schools via the electronic report cards, the system of COVID-19 prevention and control handbooks, school health manuals or the schools’ existing information systems.


Require the schools’ staff and the students to monitor their health at home and wear masks on the way to school; not to go to the schools when they are under quarantine to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic at the request of the authorities; measure their body temperature before going to the schools. If they suffer symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, sore throat…, they must stay at home, immediately inform the schools, and contact health agencies for advice, examination and treatment.


Sanitize and disinfect the schools, classrooms, school supplies and vehicles (if any) following the guidelines of the health sector.


Consolidate the permanent units in charge of school health services; arrange temporary quarantine rooms and medical rooms as prescribed, effectively carry out school psychological counseling.




Make sure that the students are dropped off at the school gates (their parents/drivers shall not be allowed to enter the schools). Based on actual conditions, the schools shall organize temperature measurement for staff and students flexibly, ensuring that staff and students' body temperature are measured once during a learning session; resolutely prevent gatherings of students in front of the school gates and avoid students standing outside waiting to have their body temperature measured.


Sanitize handwashing places, toilets, and vehicles for student transport (if any) after each student pick-up as prescribed, arrange trash cans with lids at suitable positions. Guide and remind students to wear masks properly; frequently wash their hands with soap and disinfectant solution; not share personal belongings; deposit trash in the prescribed places.


Check and promptly replenish soaps, hand sanitizers and other necessary items for pandemic prevention and control after each learning session.


Consolidate the institutions’ Steering Committees and assign officers to inspect and supervise pandemic prevention and control as prescribed in Official Dispatch No. 6666/BYT-MT dated August 16, 2021 and Decision No. 4800/ Decision-BYT dated October 12, 2021 of the Ministry of Health.




Make sure that the schools’ staff and the students maintain a reasonable distance and wear face masks when leaving school and returning home.


Make sure that the students are picked up at the school gates (the parents/drivers shall not be allowed to enter the schools).

* Notes:

The schools may use the first period of the first day when the students are back to school to stabilize the class organization; guide and provide the staff and students with skills in COVID-19 prevention and control; remind the students not to gather in large numbers during class changes and breaks;  the flag-salute ceremonies shall be organized at the class unit and chaired by the homeroom teacher, the class leaders, the Young Pioneers’ committee, or the Youth Union executive committee of each class, until further notice.

- For outsiders who need to enter the schools for work (to provide food, to repair facilities...) shall strictly make medical declarations at https://khaibaoyte.danang. gov.vn or on the Danang Smart City mobile app; the schools shall scan their QR codes before the outsiders enter the schools for work (detailed guidelines are attached hereto).

4. Boarding educational institutions, in addition to the criteria specified in Section II.3, shall satisfy the requirements for school dormitories, in particular:


Organize dissemination drives and give instructions on prevention and control of COVID-19 as prescribed at the dormitories.


Assign officers to regularly inspect and supervise the pandemic prevention and control at the dormitories.


Arrange enough disinfectant solution, cleaning equipment, garbage and waste containers with lids in suitable locations.


The schools’ staff, students and guests entering the dormitories must make heath declarations and wear face masks as prescribed.

5. Universities in the city must satisfy the requirements as prescribed in Appendix 2, Official Dispatch No. 4726/BGDĐT-GDTC dated October 15, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training.

6. Actively organize dissemination drives and mobilize the schools’ staff, students and especially the parents about the role and importance of COVID-19 vaccine, in order to achieve the goal of 100% of children being vaccinated, as well as prepare conditions and be ready to vaccinate eligible students under the plan of the People's Committee of the city.

II. Professional work

Educational institutions shall continue to improve the effectiveness of the online teaching; actively implement the professional guidance of the Department of Education and Training at each educational level mentioned in Official Dispatch No. 3101/SGDĐT-GDTH dated October 15, 2021, Official Dispatch No. 3102/SGDĐT-GDTrH dated October 15, 2021 and Official Dispatch No. 3166/SGDĐT-GDMN dated October 22, 2021 when there is a notice of the time to organize the on-site teaching.

II. Time to organize the on-site teaching

The Department of Education and Training will announce the time to organize the on-site teaching at educational institutions when there is a decision of the People's Committee of the city.

IV. Inspection and reporting

1. The Department of Education and Training shall monitor and inspect the schools and educational centers under the Department and irregularly inspect the situation at preschools, elementary schools, and junior high schools in the districts.

2. The Divisions of Education and Training shall advise the People's Committees of districts to inspect and closely monitor the preparation and organization of the on-site teaching at schools and institutions in their respective localities under their management and in accordance with Section I.1.b of this Official Dispatch.

3. Educational institutions shall monitor, review and grasp the situation of their staff and students; promptly report to the Department of Education and Training on special situations arising in order to promptly coordinate and guide the handling.

The Department of Education and Training hereby requests the heads of the units and schools to urgently implement regulations and instructions mentioned above and take full responsibility if incidents occur due to subjective causes from the managerial failure to comply with them./.





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