Thông báo 51/2014/TB-LPQT của Bộ Ngoại giao về hiệu lực của Biên bản kỳ họp lần thứ ba Ủy ban Liên Chính phủ giữa nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam và nước Cộng hòa Mô-dăm-bích về hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học và công nghệ

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thuộc tính Thông báo 51/2014/TB-LPQT

Thông báo 51/2014/TB-LPQT của Bộ Ngoại giao về hiệu lực của Biên bản kỳ họp lần thứ ba Ủy ban Liên Chính phủ giữa nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam và nước Cộng hòa Mô-dăm-bích về hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học và công nghệ
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Loại văn bản:Thông báoNgười ký:Nguyễn Văn Ngự
Ngày ban hành:07/08/2014Ngày hết hiệu lực:Đang cập nhật
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Số: 51/2014/TB-LPQT
Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
Hà Nội, ngày 07 tháng 08 năm 2014
Thực hiện quy định tại khoản 3 Điều 47 của Luật Ký kết, gia nhập và thực hiện điều ước quốc tế năm 2005, Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng thông báo:
Biên bản kỳ họp lần thứ ba Ủy ban Liên Chính phủ giữa nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam và nước Cộng hòa Mô-dăm-bích về Hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học và công nghệ, ký tại Hà Nội ngày 20 tháng 6 năm 2014, có hiệu lực kể từ ngày 20 tháng 6 năm 2014.
Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng gửi Bản sao Biên bản theo quy định tại Điều 68 của Luật nêu trên./.


Nguyễn Văn Ngự
Pursuant to the Framework Agreement on Economic, Cultural and Scientific Technical Cooperation between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Republic of Mozambique signed in 2003;
In light of the terms and conditions stipulated in the Agreement on the Establishment of the Joint Inter-Governmental Committee between the Republic of Mozambique and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, signed in Maputo in April 2008;
In accordance with the Agreed Minutes of the Second Session of the Joint Inter-Governmental Committee between the Republic of Mozambique and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on Economic, Cultural and Science-Technology Cooperation signed in Maputo, Mozambique, on 30th September 2011;
In the spirit of promoting and strengthening friendly and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries, the Third Session of the Joint Inter ­Governmental Committee for Economic, Cultural, and Science-Technology Cooperation was held in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam from June 18th to June 20th, 2014.
H.E. Dr. Le Quoc Doanh, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and H.E. Dr. Eduardo Koloma, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Mozambique, Co-chaired the Session.
The lists of delegations of both sides are enclosed in Annex I and II of this Agreed Minutes.
Both sides discussed and adopted the following Agenda:
a) Exchange of information on economic, social, trade and foreign investment situation of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Republic of Mozambique.
b) Review and assessment of the implementation of the Agreed Minutes of the Second Session of Joint Inter-Governmental Committee of the Republic of Mozambique and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on Economic, Cultural and Science-Technology Cooperation signed in Maputo on 30th September 2011.
c) Review of the current status of cooperation between Mozambique and Viet Nam and exchange of views on future bilateral relations between the two countries for the period 2014-2016.
d) Signing of the Agreed Minutes of the Third Session of the Joint Inter-Governmental Committee.
During his stay in Ha Noi, H.E. Dr. Eduardo Koloma, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, paid courtesy visit to H.E Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and to H.E. Mr. Ha Kim Ngoc, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
The Co-Chair, H.E. Dr. Le Quoc Doanh, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam warmly welcomed the Mozambican delegation and stressed that the intensification of high level delegations between both sides, particularly the visits to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam by H.E. Mr. Paulo Zucula, Minister of Transport and Communication in October 2012, H.E. Mr. Jose Pacheco, Minister of Agriculture in March 2013, H.E. Mr. Alberto Ricardo Mondlane, Minister of Interior and H.E Mr. Ajúba Cuereneia, Minister of Planning and Development in June 2013, as well as the visits to Mozambique of H.E Mr. Diep Kinh Tan, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in May 2012 and H.E Mr. Pham Binh Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in August 2013 have contributed to strengthening and deepening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
The Co-Chairs of the two delegations exchanged information on the political and socio-economic situation of the two countries and highlighted the ongoing efforts of the two governments to strengthen bilateral cooperation.
H.E. Dr. Eduardo Koloma, expressed his gratitude for the hospitality accorded to the Mozambican delegation by the Government of Viet Nam.
The Co-Chairs of the two delegations reaffirmed that the Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding in the field of Promotion and Protection of Investments, Avoidance of Double Taxation, Trade, Agriculture, Fisheries, Education, Health Care, visa exemptions for Diplomatic and Official passport holders and Defence have contributed to strengthen cooperation for the benefit of both peoples on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
The two delegations evaluated and reviewed the current status of cooperation between the two countries and expressed their satisfaction on the progress reached on both bilateral and multilateral domains.
Results of Cooperation Achieved in the Past Years and Orientation and Contents of Cooperation for the Coming Years.
1. On Political and Diplomatic Relationship
1.1. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the opening of the Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Viet Nam in 2011 and emphasised its contribution to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between the two countries, peoples and governments.
1.2. The Vietnamese side highly appreciated the support given by the Republic of Mozambique to the country’s membership to the Human Rights Council for the 2014-2016 tenure.
1.3. Both sides agreed with satisfaction that the continued increase of exchange of delegations at all levels contributed to the strengthening of the friendly relations between the two countries.
1.4. Both sides emphasised the need for both sides to conduct regular Political Consultations Meetings to exchange views on bilateral, regional and international issues and agreed to hold the first Political Consultation Meetings between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs in 2015;
1.5. Both sides agreed to consider, through diplomatic channels, the establishment of a Mozambican honorary consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.
1.6. The Mozambican side took note of the request of the Vietnamese side to support its candidature to the non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020 - 2021 term.
2.1. Both sides are pleased to note that the import - export turnover of the two countries has increased from the Second Session of Joint Inter- Governmental Committee. Bilateral trade has increased from $ 88 million in 2011 to 112.6 million in 2013, with an average increase of 13% per year. However, both sides recognized that the current trade balance between the two sides is still low and incommensurate to the potentials existing in each country. In order to develop bilateral trade relationship, both sides reiterated the need to create favourable conditions to strengthen trade promotion activities such as exchange of trade delegations, participation at international fairs and exhibitions organized in both countries, expanded direct contacts between associations of enterprises and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of both countries.
2.2. Both sides agreed to continue organizing high level meetings, conferences and seminars to attract investment, organizing survey teams to discuss investment opportunities and provide guidance for enterprises that intend to invest in Mozambique and Viet Nam. Both sides agreed that Mozambique will provide Viet Nam with lists of projects calling for foreign investment.
2.3. Both sides reiterated the need to actively continue the exchange of information on cooperation and business opportunities, through Government agencies, Embassies, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other economic associations, in order to support private investors/businesses of both sides to find partners.
2.4. Both sides called for participation of business delegations of the two countries to participate in both Viet Nam Expo Trade Fair annually held in Ha Noi during the month of April and in Ho Chi Minh City in October and International Trade Fair (FACIM), annually held in Maputo in August, respectively, to promote consumer goods, machinery, equipment, agricultural products and others.
2.5. Both sides reiterated the need to strengthen cooperation in steel processing, mining technology, wood industry and paper-pulp processing in Mozambique.
2.6. Both sides reemphasized the importance of promoting foreign investment by enterprises in both countries, through the improvement of the investment environment.
2.7. Both sides reiterated the need to continue to create favourable conditions for business as well as providing market information about each country, to further promote trade and cooperation in all the fields.
3.1. Both sides highly appreciated the achievements in agricultural cooperation between the two countries in recent years, especially in the implementation of the bilateral cooperation project, between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Mozambique, in the trilateral cooperation project between the Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam, JICA Offices in Viet Nam and Mozambique, and the Ministry of Agriculture of Mozambique. Training Program in Viet Nam for agricultural officers of Mozambique has contributed to strengthening the capacity of the agricultural sector in Mozambique. Both sides highlighted the importance of agriculture in the strengthening of the relations between the two countries and agreed to continue identifying long-term opportunities for cooperation in this field.
3.2. Both sides re-affirmed the interest in implementing the following, based on recommendations of the Mozambican side:
3.2.1. Mozambique will send specific proposals for Vietnamese side to consider to send to Mozambique experts to support the food security program;
3.2.2. From the results of trilateral cooperation in rice production in Nante project, Zambezia province between Mozambique - Japan - Viet Nam, the two sides agreed to request the Japan’s Government to consider expanding trilateral cooperation projects to other areas of Mozambique.
3.3. The Mozambican side will send specific proposals for Vietnamese side to consider sending experts of post-harvest technologies to Mozambique for experience exchange with the local farmers and the exchange of technology initiatives on water management of low cost technologies, such as, irrigation, construction of small dams.
3.4. Both sides agreed to provide necessary support to the Viet Nam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) and the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) for the implementation of the cooperation project titled Cooperation of Research and Development of Food and Foodstuff Crops in Mozambique for the period 2014-2017;
3.5. The Viet Nam Rubber Group shall consider to promote the implementation of cassava plantation project in parallel with cashew and wood processing projects;
3.6. Both sides agreed to promote further efforts to implement the signed agreements in the agricultural sector;
3.7. Both sides reiterated the need to jointly mobilize resources in their countries and to funding through tripartite cooperation in order to develop projects and programs identified by the two countries.
4.1. Both sides highlighted the importance of cooperation to develop and enhance fishery matters, including aquaculture and the fish processing industry, advanced fishery infrastructures and supportive services, advanced institutional cooperation, development of scientific research management and promotion of training on fisheries as well as joint ventures on fisheries cooperation.
4.2. Both sides agreed to promote further efforts to implement the signed Agreements in the fisheries sector, namely, the Memorandum of Understanding on Fisheries of 2007 between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam and Ministry of Fisheries of Mozambique and the MoU between the Ministry of Fisheries of Mozambique and Tien Giang Province People's Committee of Viet Nam, signed in 2010.
4.3. Both sides appreciated the training on aquaculture - technology of Tilapia fish culture - provided by Viet Nam in 2011 and agreed to jointly seek funding for other aquaculture training courses for technicians and small scale producers.
4.4. Both sides agreed to promote further efforts to sign a Protocol on Technical Assistance in aquaculture.
5.1. Both sides recognized the importance of creating favourable conditions for the tripartite cooperation projects on Information Technology infrastructure within the two countries.
5.2. Both sides emphasized the need for the Ministry for Science and Technology of Viet Nam to appoint the Technical Committee Members for the Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries on Science and Technology field, signed in December 2005. Both sides agreed to cooperate in implementation of the signed MOU.
6.1. Both sides agreed to undertake further efforts to finalize and sign by 2015 the Agreement on Cooperation in Aviation between the two Governments.
6.2. Both sides agreed to continue to promote the cooperation in the maritime sector, ship building, training of human resources including the cooperation between Viet Nam Maritime University and Mozambican Universities.
6.3. Both sides highlighted the importance of cooperation in the area of Telecommunications between the two countries and agreed to continue to promote the cooperation and exchange of information in the fields of postal and telecommunication services under the international conventions framework of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and International telecommunication Union (ITU).
6.4. Both sides agreed to continue to facilitate cooperation and development of telecommunication and information technology by creating favorable conditions, on the basis of existing laws, for Vietnamese side to invest and continue stable operations in Mozambique, through inter-alia, support to Vietnamese companies in their work of providing mobile services.
6.5. The Vietnamese side requested the Mozambican side to provide fixed landline numbers for Movitel to have chance accessing to all poor households, remote areas and islands.
6.6. The Vietnamese side requested the Mozambican side to allow the Vietnamese side to provide nationally television services in Mozambique.
6.7. The Mozambican side agreed to create favorable conditions for Vietnamese specialists who will work in the tripartite cooperation projects on establishment of Informatics Technology infrastructure for Mozambique.
7.1. Both sides highly appreciated the contribution of the medical team of Viet Nam currently working in Mozambique for the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the health sector.
7.2. Both sides agreed to work closely in order to amend the Protocol on the sending and receiving Vietnamese medical professionals to work in Mozambique, signed in 2007, and to exchange information on the needs of Mozambique on medical experts and their situation of those working in Mozambique.
7.3. Both sides agreed to identify and explore areas of cooperation on health matters and stressed the need of organizing a medical study tour to exchange expertise on health issues, especially on the new diseases.
8.1. Both sides expressed its satisfaction with the current stage of cooperation in the field of education and training between the two countries and reaffirmed its determination to boost cooperation in this field.
8.2. Both sides agreed to conclude negotiation of the Protocol of cooperation on education and training between the Ministry of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mozambique to sign in 2014.
8.3. Both sides agreed to provide scholarships to students for higher education in each country.
9.1. Both sides recognized the importance of people-to-people exchanges as an important component of cooperation between the two countries, which contributes to the deepening of the existing friendship and agreed to continue the promotion of such activities, through exchange of groups of artists, organizing film festivals, photo and art exhibitions, and other forms.
9.2. Both sides highlighted the importance of cooperation in the area of Tourism and agreed to conduct negotiations aimed at finalizing and signing the Agreement on Cooperation in Tourism between Mozambique and Viet Nam in the proper time.
9.3. The Vietnamese side agreed to consider the request of Mozambique side to provide short term training scholarships in the areas of hotel management, marketing, sustainable tourism management, tourism promotion, statistics applied to tourism, information technology and communication applied to tourism.
9.4. Both sides agreed to encourage the Quang Ninh Province and Ministry of Tourism of Mozambique to implement the Commitment signed in 2008.
9.5. Both sides underlined the need to promote sports exchanges in different fields.
10.1. Both sides agreed to strengthening labour cooperation through exchange of specialists and creating favourable conditions for labour supply for the development of business opportunities in both countries.
11.1. Both sides agreed to continue implementing the Agreement between the two Governments on cooperation in crime prevention and suppression and the MoU on training cooperation through specific activities;
11.2. Both sides agreed to exchange information and assessment of the global and regional situation, and other issues of mutual interest, to share experiences on fighting against crime, especially trans-national organized crime, terrorism, human trafficking and illegal migration, drug trafficking, high-tech crime, money laundering, commercial fraud and environmental crime;
11.3. Both sides agreed to continue cooperation in the field of training and capacity building for leaders, commanders, officers towards intensive specialized programs, including post-graduate training in policing, foreign languages and teacher exchange.
11.4. Both sides agreed to continue exchange of visits at all levels in order to assess the results of cooperation and to identify cooperative contents as prioritized annually.
11.5. Both sides agreed that improved safety and security for business environment in Mozambique is necessary for normal operation of companies.
12.1. Both sides agreed to continue strengthening military exchanges at all levels, technology transfer, training military personnel and cooperation in military logistics and health care.
12.2. Both sides agreed to continue considering the training of a small number of military medical staff.
The Vietnamese side informed the Mozambican side that Viet Nam can provide Free Training program for a small number of military medical staff which following long-term trailing of Viet Nam (1 year for study Vietnamese, 6 years for military medical training). The Mozambican side agreed to meet the cost for additional training needs.
13.1. Both sides appreciated the visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Mozambique to the State Bank of Viet Nam and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Banco de Mocambique and State Bank of Viet Nam, which will contribute to boost the economic and investment cooperation between the two countries.
13.2. Both sides agreed to improve policies for development of banking services through regular exchange of information on the social and political economy, monetary policy, training, and support for Vietnamese and Mozambican banks to participate in each other market.
13.3. In order to promote the bilateral relationship in the banking area between the two countries, both sides shall enhance the exchange of information on the social and political economy, implement the signed MOU on cooperation between the State Bank of Viet Nam and Banco de Mozambique by means of exchange of delegations, experiences in banking information, organizing training sessions, seminars and study visits, support for the commercial bank to open subsidiaries, branches and/or their representative offices in compliance with the related laws and regulations of each country as well as regulations within WTO commitments.
14. On Finances
14.1. Both sides highly appreciated the signing on September 2010 of the Agreement between the two Governments to avoid double taxation and fiscal evasion with respect to income tax.
15.1. Both sides committed to continue improving environment for general investment, perfecting legal system and policies on foreign investment, expanding the fields for attracting foreign investment and diversifying forms of investment, considering to remove investment related barriers, and supporting investors to reduce production costs.
15.2. Both sides agreed to encourage and support investment by enterprises through diplomatic agencies of both countries in the form of workshops, information exchange and market surveys; organization of business forums and workshops.
15.3. The Mozambican side expressed its interest in exchanging experiences with Viet Nam in the fields of Special Economic Zones, rural development, cooperatives and market access for small farm households.
15.4. The Mozambican side informed the Vietnamese side that based on the Mozambique Investment Law and other relevant economic legislation, the Mozambican Government is ready to facilitate and speed up processes for Vietnamese enterprises to invest in Mozambique.
16.1. In recognition of the increasing growth of the construction sector in the two countries, both sides agreed to undertake necessary measures to take advantages of the existing opportunities both in the construction of infrastructure and the production of construction material, and equipment in Mozambique and in Viet Nam.
16.2. Both sides agreed to encourage enterprises of both countries to cooperate in the field of consultancy, design, investment and construction of industrial works. Both sides emphasised the need to conduct regular information exchanges on tendering processes to implement construction projects in both countries.
16.3. Both sides agreed to exchange experts and experiences in the fields of construction management, construction consultancy, vocational training for construction, and coordinating to organize short-term training courses on management of urban construction, consultancy and development of urban infrastructure.
16.4. Both sides agreed to exchange experiences in the field of Water Resources Management particularly on monitoring of floods and droughts, technology transfer on water purification and water harvesting in rural areas.
17. On Mineral Resources
17.1. Both sides agreed to cooperate in the areas of data processing techniques and interpretation, oil and gas exploration, development of infrastructure for oil operations, training (techniques of prospecting and hydrocarbons research), management of LNG distribution, oil Engineering and Promotion, and encouragement of partnerships between the relevant private and public enterprises of both countries.
17.2. Both sides agreed to further strengthen the cooperation in the field of oil and gas and to continue to encourage and support public enterprises such as PVN/PVEP and ENH to cooperate in this field.
17.3. The Vietnamese side suggested that the Mozambicans continue to create the conditions for PVN/PVEP to participate in oil and gas exploration and extraction projects in Mozambique.
18. On Local Governments
18.1. The Vietnamese side expressed its call for Mozambican businesses to invest in An Giang province.
18.2. Both sides noted with satisfaction the efforts underway for the establishment of sister relationships between Mozambican and Vietnamese Local Governments and cities.
18.3. The Vietnamese side proposed the Mozambican side cooperation in the agricultural sector through sending experts from Can Tho province to Mozambique to support planting drought-tolerant rice, catfish and safety vegetable growing.
18.4. The Vietnamese side informed that Ho Chi Minh City would continue cooperation and association in the field of science and technology with Mozambique, including technical assistance activities for crocodile culture, cultivation of short-term crops suitable with the geographical and climatic conditions of Mozambique.
18.5. Both sides agreed to continue discussion on specific cooperation plans under the signed MOU between Can Tho University and Mozambican Agriculture Institute plus extend the cooperation between the Cuu Long Rice Research Institute and Mozambican partners.
18.6. Both sides agreed that the Committee of Maputo Province and Tien Giang province would exchange experts on agriculture, fisheries, farmers to study the models of rice cultivation and aquaculture.
18.7. Both sides agreed to consider implementing all contents which had been committed in the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Authority of Maputo Province and People’s Committee of Tien Giang province.
The Third Session of the Joint Inter-Governmental Committee of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Republic of Mozambique on Economic, Cultural and Science-Technology Cooperation was held in the atmosphere of friendship, sincerity and mutual collaboration.
The Session discussed and reviewed the current situation and proposed specific measures to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. Both sides expressed their commitment to make efforts in identifying internal resources to implement the agreed activities in parallel with the participation of third party financial partners.
Both sides have agreed to hold the Fourth Session of the Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic, Cultural, and Science-Technology Cooperation between the two countries in Maputo, The Republic of Mozambique in 2016. Specific time and agenda will be agreed by the two sides 90 days prior to the event through diplomatic channels.
The Mozambican delegation appreciated and specially thanked the hospitality of the Vietnamese side during its stay in Ha Noi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. The hospitality is evidence the friendship and excellent cooperation between the two countries.
These Agreed Minutes were done in Ha Noi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on June 20th 2014, in two original copies in English. Each side shall keep one original copy.


H.E. Dr. Le Quoc Doanh
Deputy Minister of
Agriculture and Rural Development

H.E. Dr Eduardo Koloma
Deputy Minister for
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Full name
H.E. Eduardo Koloma
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Ms. Maria Gustava
Director for Asia and Oceania Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
H.E. Gamiliel Munguambe
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique to Viet Nam
Mr. Inácio Calvino Maposse
General Director of Institute for Agricultural Research of Mozambique
Ms. Roda Nuvunga Luís
Director of the Institute for Water Research Ministry of Science and Technology
Ms. Ester dos Santos José
Deputy Director for Cooperation and Investments
Ministry of Planning and Development
Mr. Fernando Mbebe
Head of the Department of International Cooperation
Ministry of Interior
Ms. Francisca Reino
Head of the Department of International  Cooperation
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mr. Aristides Adriano
Counselor at Mozambique Embassy - Ha Noi
Mr. Maxwell Namitete
Senior Official for International Cooperation Ministry of Tourism
Mr. Acácio Mário Uelemo Neve
Senior Official for International Cooperation
Ministry of Agriculture
Mr. Aminosse Guilherme Afo
Senior Official for International Cooperation
Ministry of Education
Mr. Horácio Parquino
Senior Official for International Cooperation
Ministry of Transport and Communication
Mr. Kenneth Chiqueque
Assistant of H.E. The Deputy Minister
Mr. Tito Lidimba
Second Secretary at Mozambique Embassy - Ha Noi
Ms. Marta Elisa Ernesto Venàncio
Desk Officer for Viet Nam
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Mr. Rachida Mamade
Desk Officer for Asia and Oceania

Full name
Mr. Le Quoc Doanh
Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development
Mr. Tran Kim Long
Director General, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development
Mr. To Viet Chau
Deputy Director, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development
Mr. Nguyen Anh Minh
Head of Bilateral Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development.
Mr. Vu Duc Dung
Deputy Director, International Relation Department, Government Office.
Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong
Deputy Director General, Department of West Asia and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Le Cong Hung
Expert of Department of West Asia and Africa,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hai
Director, Foreign Economic and Relation Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ms. Cao Thi Lan Huong
Expert, Ministry of Finance
Mr. Do Huu Huy
Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mr. Hoang Duc Nhuan
Head of Department of South Asia and Africa,
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mr. Nguyen Van Thach
Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Transportation
Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cong
Head of International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Police Security
Ms. Nguyen Thu Huong
Official, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ms. Bui Lan Huong
Official, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Education and Training
Mr. Nguyen Dinh Luyen
Vice Director, Plan and Investment Department,
Ministry of Defense
Mr. Duong Anh Tuan
Official, Plan and Investment Department,
Ministry of Defense
Mr. Nguyen Huu Bac
Vice Director, Plan and Investment Department, Ministry of Defense
Mr. Le The Vinh
Official, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Information and Communication
Ms. Phung Thi Thanh Thuy
Official, International Cooperation Department,
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ms. Tran Thanh Hien
Vice Directors, State Bank of Vietnam
Mr. Nguyen Minh Duong
Official, State Bank of Vietnam
Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cong
Head of Foreign Relations Department, Ministry of Police Security
Mr. Ngo Dai Ngoc
Vice Director, Ha Noi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ms. Nguyen Anh Hoang
Chief, Ho Chi Minh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Mr. Pham Van Quynh
Director, Can Tho Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Mr. Vo Van Thanh
Vice Director, Planning and Investment Department, Viet Nam Rubber Industry Cooperation
Mr. Bui Hai Hoa
Vice Director, Viet Nam Petro Corporation
Mr. Vu Tien Dat
Expert of International Cooperation Board, Viet Nam Petro Corporation
Mr. Nguyen Duy Viet
Head of Division, Vietel
Ms. Nguyen Thi Chi
Official of ICD, VCCI
Ms. Pham Thi Hong Minh
Official of ICD, VCCI
Mr. Nguyen Trong Khanh
Director of Institute of Food and Food stuff Crop (VAAS), MARD
Ms. Dinh Thi Bich Hao
Official, International Cooperation Department, General Directorate of Taxation
Mr. Nguyen Ba Bang
Vice Director, Mozambique Office-Ha Noi
Mr. Vu Duc Hung
Deputy Director, Department of Science, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development.

Full name
H.E. Eduardo Koloma
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Ms. Maria Gustava
Director for Asia and Oceania Division
Ministry of Foreian Affairs and Cooperation
H.E. Gamiliel Munguambe
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique to Viet Nam
Ms. Ester dos Santos José
Deputy Director for Cooperation and Investments. Ministry of Planning and Development
Ms. Roda Nuvunga Luís
Director of the Institute for Water Research Ministry of Science and Technology
Mr. Inácio Calvino Maposse
General Director of Institute for Agricultural Research of Mozambique
Mr. Pedro Langa
Chief of Mineral Office, Ministry of Mineral Resources
Mr. Fernando Mbebe
Head of the Department of International Cooperation. Ministry of Interior
Mr. Aristides Adriano
Counselor at Mozambique Embassy - Ha Noi
Mr. Titos Lidimba
Second Secretary at Mozambique Embassy - Ha Noi
Mr. Kenneth Chicuecue
Assistant of H.E. The Deputy Minister
Ms. Marta Elisa Venâncio
Desk Officer for Viet Nam.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Mr. Maxwell Namitete
Senior Official for International Cooperation. Ministry of Tourism
Mr. Acácio Mário Uelemo Neve
Senior Official for Internationnal Cooperation
Ministry of Agriculture
Mr. Aminosse Guilherme Afo
Senior Official for International Cooperation. Ministry of Education
Mr. Horácio Parquino
Senior Official for International Cooperation, Ministry of Transpost and Communication, Ministry of Transport and Communication
Mr. Rachida Mamade
Desk Officer for Asia and Oceania, Ministry of Science and Technology
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